Saturday, December 1, 2012

My friend is dying.
I met her 4 years ago when we moved in our home. I can see her front door out my kitchen window. I see her house everytime I look out that window and I think of her and her family. I have watched her go from a healthy, busy, purpose filled life to a hard, heartbreaking sick life - she has nerve cancer in her brain (acoustic neuroma - neurofibrosarcoma schwannoma).
I have watched her loose movement, sight and hearing in the right side of her face. I have watched her take hard news over and over - and then get back up and keep fighting. For her kids she would do anything.
They found the cancer two days after her son was born 18 months ago. After radiation, chemo, and experimental drugs the cancer is still growing.
We walk together, and talk about our lives. Mine is so less crappy than hers but she tells me it's ok, she enjoys our talks.
I have learned so much from her. She is such a great mother, she is still home schooling her kids so she can have time with them. Her children are amazing. All five of them (from 15 to 1) all play instruments, speak two languages and are so polite and well behaved. She has given them such a good start.
She has taught me to play the piano again. She has awakened my passion for music and I will always remember her that way.
I just love her and my heart is breaking. The cancer is growing so fast now. Every day is a precious gift - I wonder if she will see another spring.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The election was held Tuesday and my heart is still heavy from the disappointment. I am disappointed that so many Americans have been deceived. America has been praying for change, they have been whining about our economy, they have been whining about unemployment, but when they were given the opportunity to elect people who are producers and could fix some of this mess we are in - they choose to stay the same and in some cases degress. They chose to be in the same mess we have been in for the last 5 years (democrats took control in 2007).  They chose to be deceived by the media (who is funded by the government). I cast my vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. My common sense tells me that if we are having problems with our economy and problems creating jobs we should find someone who has been very successful - and do what they are doing, no matter what color of skin they have or what religion they follow.
I am tired of the looters in our government taking from the American people, I'm tired of the looters in our government passing laws that are against Gods will, I'm tired of the looters in our government spending money they don't have. I'm tired of the looters in our government taking our freedoms away in the name of 'security'. I'm tired of the looters in our government fighting wars they can not win.
Their is a divide in our country, just as the prophets have prophesied. Do your research people, learn from history. Choose what side YOU are on.
The one thing I remember about President Obama's re-election speech is, "We are an American family and we rise or fall together as one nation," in my heart I thought he is really taking about the fall. Then he added "The best is yet to come." I am afraid that the greatest fall of our country is yet to come. Where is John Galt?

Artist of George Washington print is Arnold Friberg

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”.                                        Thomas Paine

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So my kids have gone back to school today and I'm a little sad that summer vacation is over.  I feel that my job as a mom is to create great memories for them while teaching them to take care of themselves and making right choices and .... You get the point. So I have this nagging voice in my head that is always questioning what I'm doing, like "am I doing enough" or "am I doing this right"??? Well it's annoying but also good because I can evaluate what I'm doing and change it up if I need to. As my kids get older I realize that time with them is so precious and it goes by FAST. It doesn't seem like that when they are little but wow, it's like a dream the past 15 years of my parent experience. So as I was thinking about this this morning I read a post from Andy Andrews "We live in the present. We can’t do anything about the decisions we have made except live with them. We are not made with the ability to always make right decisions. However, we are made with the ability to MAKE a decision…then make it right." - it is just what I needed today. Right now in my life raising children is the MOST important thing I can do so my plan is to focus on that and hope everything else will turn out.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

During church I was listening to an older man give a talk and he said " this younger generation and their twexting." We all had a good silent laugh.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

One of my childhood friends posted this on facebook and I thought it was the sweetest thing ever -
Aimee Applegate Rowley Thank you You are so sweet and I have always thought since I first met you that you were one of the prettiest girls ever and you have not changed a bit ........confession......even when I was at girls camp with you I used to watch you and wish I could be just like you......and seriously even new you are such a great example to me. its fun to see your posts and pictures so thanks for always being amazing

Monday, May 21, 2012

My specialties...

Search Rescue: Small Plastic Pieces Unit. Archaeologist Specializing in Under Bed and Inside Closet Digs. Spiritual Leader. Manners Expert, Personal Shopper, Fashion Stylist Consultant. Hairstylist (specializing in pigtails and wiggly clients). I can function without additional oxygen at 24,000 feet

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How cute is this......

From my friend Brittney's baby shower.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Minimalist’s Train of Thought

Less money spent means more money saved
More money saved means the longer you can live in financial peace and security
Financial peace and security comes from owning less
Less stuff owned means less to carry around, move or have to travel with
Less responsibility for your stuff also means less maintenance and more time
The more time you have, the more relaxed you will feel
The more relaxed you are, the less you will care about stuff
If you care less about stuff, it means you’ll care less about image
If you care less about image, you will care more about experiences and memories
If you care more about experiences and memories, you will be happier with less
If you are happier with less, you’ll never want or need for more
The less you want or need for more, the more you will feel free

Friday, February 17, 2012


I am missing my husband today (he is the one holding the fish). He is gone to North Carolina on a business trip. I couldn't sleep last night because I was cold and he wasn't there to keep me warm. We had a lame Valentines day, he was sick and so was our daughter and then he left :( Sometimes I feel like our lives get shuffled in the day to day - kids, work, work, kids and we get lost. I have been thinking of how we met and how I was drawn to him - his hands, his lips, his heart. When we talk and are together we are so in sync, its like we share two minds - half of mine is his and half of his is mine. So I'm waiting for him and I hope he is thinking of me.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Loch Leven Scotland
This would be fun

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shepherds Pie

This is one of my favorite dinners - to eat and to make. Check out for the recipe!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"When you build a skyscraper you have to dig a very deep foundation. Most of us get half way into that hole and say - this doesn't look anything like my goal... I quit." - Tony Lister