Thursday, August 27, 2009

Can't wait for the SNOW.... really wanting to put my skies on. Anyone want to go to Argentina? I really should start saving my money and plan a trip next year.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"I hear what you say about enjoying the ride, but there’s also an inexplicable joy that comes from pushing the limits and seeing what you can accomplish. There’s a time and a place for both." One of my brothers friends whose name I wish I could remember

Monday, August 17, 2009

I know...I posted a ton of pictures, but I have a ton of family :)

More family from Green River. These are my brothers, sisters, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and kids. We took a few trips down the Green River up by Vernal Ut. We had so much fun! It was good to see some of my Aunts and Uncles. My Uncle Kent planned everything - the condos we stayed in, the food and the river run. He is so great.
She really liked being in the boat for about the first ten minutes but then she wanted to do something else, good thing she finally fell asleep - standing up :)

Some pictures from our green river trip. We had so much fun.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Whenever I'm in a downer mood I will usually pull out some mixing bowls and create something yummy. I love baking with nutmeg and cinnamon. I love the smell it brings to my kitchen - instant mood enhancer. Today's creation is Enlightened Zucchini Bread with fresh Zucchini I picked out of my garden this morning. There is something very satisfying in growing your own food. I think next week my tomatoes, onions and jalapenos will be ripe to bottle some salsa. I made enough salsa last year from vegetables grown in my garden to last until June, almost 1 year. This year I planted twice the amount of tomato plants so I hope I will have enough to give away a few bottles. Whenever I make salsa I instantly become wife of the year to my husband :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ran 4 miles this morning with no shin pain. I have had shin splints for 3 months. The trick....lavander oil from doTerra. Who knew it would be such a simple fix.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I went into the Bank today and on the front of the outside door it read "Please remove all dark glasses, hats, hoodies and ski masks before entering the bank." So I thought to myself, does anyone really accidentally wear their ski masks into the bank?